Monday, August 28, 2017

For those interested, not necessarily believers or non-believers, here's a very brief and probably incomplete description  of the different generational groupings according to some social researchers and demographers.  I tried to generate this information, but I'm not a social researcher.  Neither am I a demographer.  So, I may have errors here.

Lost Generation
World War I Gen
The generation that came of age (they were in their teens and tweens) during World War I. They didn’t vanish but simply were disoriented, wandering, directionless due mainly to the great confusion and aimlessness among survivors of World War I until the post-war years.
GI Generation
World War II  Gen
Sometimes referred to as the Great Generation in the US who came of age during the Great Depression and went on to fight in WWII.  This generation fought not for fame or money but because “it was the right thing to do.”  In Australia, this generation was also known as the Federation Generation.  The “GI” term is a military term referring to “Government Issue” or “General Issue.”
Silent Generation
Lucky Few Gen
First generation in the US that was smaller than the generation preceding it.  Having been born in the Great Depression and war years, they came of age in the relatively prosperous 1950s and 1960s. They did things not because someone told them, but because they believed “it was the right thing to do.”  Many who were born between 1943 and 1960 were also Baby Boomers, but possibly elected to stick with the Silent Generation precisely because of differences in characteristics
Baby Boomers
Rock-in-Roll Gen
Associated with the rejection/redefinition of traditional values.  As a group, they tended to think of  themselves as Special Generation, very different from those that came before them.  They comprise a large proportion of those born during and immediately after WWII.
Generation X
MTV Generation
Sometimes they were called “baby boomers” but did not like such label.  “X” refers to a condition of an unknown variable or to a desire not to be defined.  Sometimes they were referred to as the MTV Generation (with reference to the popularity of a music video channel in the US).  Gen X was  relatively small generation between the Baby Boomers and the Millennials.
Oregon Trail Generation
Late 1970s-Early 1980s
Bridge Gen bet Gen X and Millennials
Named after the video game Oregon Trail, Apple II version. Sometimes they are called “The Lucky Ones.”  They share traits with Xennials or Catalano generations.  Xennials are “a micro-generation that serve as a bridge between the disaffection of Gen X and the blithe optimism of Millennials.”  Generally, those born from the late 1970s to the early 1980s did not feel they fit into the different definitions of Gen X and Millennials.
Gen Y, Echo
The Millennials are often children of Baby Boomers.  generally marked by  increased use of and familiarity with communications, media, and digital technologies.  One look at what has been published about the generational groups tell us that the Millennials are the ones most talked about.  They’re the largest generation; older Millennials are now occupying decision posts in both government and private industry, and the younger Millennials are completing their basic education.  Some demographers estimate that in the next five to 10 years more than 90% of those in positions of decision making in our society will be Millennials.  They are bound to influence society greatly.   A cursory look at the younger people in the workforce would indicate that, at this time (2017), the Millennials would rather not do things the way older generations used to.
John Newton, the Australian social researchers, summarized the characteristics of Gen Y with the following points: 1) e3veryone’s a winner; 2) life was never meant to be hard; 3) out of range is out of the question; 4) why do we do it that way?; and 5) appearances can be deceiving.  This generation, according to Newton, is desperate for leadership, to connect with other generations particularly the older ones to whom they look up to for leadership.
Generation Z
Mid-1990s to Mid-2000s.
Centennials, iGeneration, Plurals, Homeland Gen, Post-Millennials.
Widespread use of Internet from a young age; they’re comfortable with technology and social media. They are predominantly children of Generation X.  More risk-averse than other generations.  First generation to have the Internet readily available to them.  They are predominantly children of Gen X but they also have parents who are Millennials.  Compared with Millennials, the Gen Z is more conservative, more money-oriented, more entrepreneurial, and more pragmatic.
Alpha Generation
Born from 2010-2015
Transformative Gen
Compared to other generations ahead of it, the Alphas will be more entrepreneurial, more tech savvy, they’ll shop online, they will be influenced by their Gen X and Gen Y parents, and they will be more self-sufficient, better educated, and better prepared for big challenges.  As of last year (2016), in the US, there were some 22M Millennial parents with 9,000 Alpha babies born to them daily.  Social Researcher and Demographer McCrindle estimated that there were 2.5M members of Gen Alpha born each week world-wide.

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